Welcome to SalesCart Cloud - Plug-n EcommerceTM
First Time Users:
The first time you use this software, you must
  1. Go to Facebook and install the SalesCart cloud app into you companies Facebook page.
  2. Then you must verify your email address;
  3. and, then create a default store;
  4. finally, you return here, choose and load the particular store you wish to administer and configure the store. 
Go here for more detailed instructions.
Returning Users:
You can return at any time back to these administration pages to administer your store or review your orders.  You may return here to administer your store in one of two ways:
  1. Going to http://admin.salescart.net at any time (you should bookmark this page);
  2. Going to Facebook, logging in as the adminstrator for your Facebook page and choosing the SalesCart App on the left side.  The SalesCart Facebook App will load, then click the Administer Your Store button next to the store you wish to administer.
Once you return here, load the particular store you wish to administer and configure the store and catalog. 
Loading the Store to Administer:
You can load a store by clicking on Profile>>Your Store from the menu and click Load next to the store you wish to administer.
Create an Account if this the first time you are visiting.
Create Account
If you are a returning merchant, you must first Login to use this website.